Calming the post-Christmas chaos for young children...

Well, we did it! We made it through another Christmas! The holiday is much different for me now that our kids are young adults. It is nice to see the shift from being excited to get gifts to being more excited to GIVE gifts. Don't be disillusioned, they still like to get gifts but they can hardly contain themselves when they give gifts. It fills my heart :)
I know y'all are going to think I am crazy, but I do miss the chaos of young kids at Christmas. The pure joy and excitement part, not the bouncing off the wall/sensory overload and tantrums part. Because I know many of you are dealing with the latter as the extended school break goes on, I thought I would share one of my FAVORITE activities for calming chaos with young kids: the rice box.
My kids looooooooved the rice box. As a matter of fact, my 20 year old daughter saw me updating a handout on this activity and said "I remember playing in the rice box! It was my favorite!"
So, if your kids are bouncing off the wall and you need them to calm the f*&# down, check out this weeks video: The Benefits of a Rice Box. If you want more info on ways to use a rice box to encourage development, you can get a downloadable pdf here.
I hope you all have a safe and happy New Years! Bring it on 2022!