My Favorite Song to Get Toddlers Imitating
If you have watched any of my other videos, you are aware of the importance of foundational language skills in getting toddlers talking. One of these skills, and often the most challenging, is imitation. It is essential to get toddlers to imitate our sounds and actions in play, but that can be tricky.
There are a number of factors that need to be considered when talking about language development in young children and that includes communication preferences, parenting styles AND temperament! I've met MANY a toddler in my 20+ years who have a high need for control thus are less willing to imitate actions or sounds.
Well, today I am sharing one of my FAVORITE songs on my YouTube channel that usually gets even the most stubborn little one imitating: Bam Sam Sam. This is a modification of the song Ram Sam Sam and I have to tell you, kids LOVE it! I've gotten more kids to imitate the gestures and ultimately the sounds and words in this song then with any other I've tried. Watch it here. Be sure to download a free pdf copy of Bam Sam Sam here. If you have concerns regarding your child's language development or are looking for what needs to be in place to keep them on track, download my free Pre-Language checklist here.
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